Thursday, August 18, 2011

Has Armageddon Already Begun ?

no of course it hasn't if there was going to be an armageddon it would have been when the cold war was at its height in the 1960's and 1970's. the world now is safer than it has been for a long time

Christians; would it decreased or increased the divorce rate, if wives were submitted to their husbands?

1 Peter 3: 1 "Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;"

Where can I download the song I'm on Fire by pegazus?

I can't find it on limewire. Is it also the song played on Angel on MBC Action Commercial or like teaser or plug?(sori for that.not sure)

What can I sell in a convenience store other than cigarrettes/alcohol?

Well how do I answer this without a long dissertation. First check your variances. If you can't get a license for liquor or cigs in your described zone there might be other items you can't sell....Second,, stand outside and ask the per-bys what they would like to see sold there. I lost my gas station because of the inability to sell products, the ridiculous tax on gasoline causing my profit to be nothing, taxes on cigs, regulations on cigs. I was cited for selling hot dogs, milk, soup and cold coffee by the village of corruption and buddies, although I had the license from the Board of Health. The State gave me a liquor license, the village of corruption changed my variance (against the master plan) and was told if I sold liquor the fine would be tremendous. The list goes on. My advise to you is...if you are prohibited from selling products indicative to the type of business you are asking for a lot of grief..Your overhead is high enough just to start with and you make pennies on convenience items (I know)! Theft rate is high...hours are long and you need to be available 24-7. Try something else that gives you more bang for your money. My old gas station is a dog walking, grooming and a dog self shampooing place...they also board dogs for working families. They were able to lower the taxes, didn't need the permits required for a convenience store, the insurance is ten times lower and they have two local vets making visits twice a week. The owner, who incidentally purchased my building for back taxes knew what the community needed and is driving an escalade, lexus and has a specially equipped van to pick-up and deliver her charges. She told me she grossed over $100,000 last year and even during the recession has done quite well, because everyone goes to work and is pet sensitive in the commuting area. Good luck..hope this helped! Another thing...21 to 30 don't spend in convenience stores...Still trying to make ends meet, slowing or quitting smoking and if single they save the extra money for weekend parties at the bar or gathering hole...Sorry for the truth!

The division of the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell is called ?

Mitosis is the division of the eukaryotic cell itself. Cytokinesis is the division of the actual cytoplasm toward the latter stages of mitosis. The correct answer to this question is C.

Why does magma and lava give off light?

i just read a question about why does eruptions cause lightning and i thought.. why does lava produce light? where does this brightness come from inside the lava?

What Is The Most Scariest Experience You Have Ever... Well... Experienced!?

I would have to say mine is the last time I watched the movie "Hostage" with Bruce Willis, after the Final Showdown at the very end of the movie when he is finally reunited with his family and he starts to cry like a maniac. Just his facial movements is so scary, almost unreal, like a demon crying.