Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The effects on America due to Japan's neuclear powerplant failures.?

As you probably know by watching the news... The Fukushima neuclear powerplant reactors 1, 2 and 3 have all been experiencing major technical difficulties. The question that pops into head Is; when the powerplant's neuclear reactors reach the meltdown point; when will there be neuclear fallout? When will this neuclear fallout become a major problem. Not only will the air be contaminated but then to my knoledge the water, and land. CNN and Fox News have been doing a great job covering the the steps of the reactors and their danger levels. But what i'm sure everyone wants to know is. Will this radioactive matter reach All of us in America, and if so when? About 30mins ago a meteroloist had come on air and and partially covered the wind patterns. His statements were simar to this: The winds are blowing north west twards the shore line; This is indeed terrible for Japan. Then he says that later the winds will change moving north east. By looking at a map and knowing geography that's in our direction! Is this guy mentally challenged?! That's bad for us!! What do we do if there is neuclear fallout comes our way. What do we need to do to survive? Is this emminent because japan literally losing control of their nuclear facilities.

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