Thursday, August 11, 2011

How to deal with my anger or get her off my back?

so there's this girl, hu i kno, hu goes out wid a boy and as soon as the boy leaves or doesnt like her she chooses someone else... so when i was going out wid someone else, she liked me but my gf said NO!! lol xD!! anyway so i told her to stay off this new boy aka object of her affection (hu likes her btw) and i kno it wasnt my business but ive seen the other boys hu she left and they were really sad cuz she pretended to cry for them but chose another boy the next day... anyway so i told her that in an email WHICH SHE THEN PRINTED OFF AND SHOWED TO ALL HER GIRLFRIENDS!!! so anyway now all my friends hu were girls r asking what the hell my prob. is and are turning against me!! so now im really angry and feel like snapping their necks!! how do i deal wid this anger problem and get her friends to stop asking me question and nagging me?? tx will appreciate it

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