Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I think this guy likes me but im not sure pleazz help!?

so ive liked this guy since about october but it was kinda like on and off. i had gym and health w/ him and for awhile he sat in front of me and always lke turned around and teased me and stuff and he would always find someway to get my attention. he also randomly imd me one day and my friend told me he asked her for my screenname. anyway, lately hes been really quiet around me instead of lke making fun of me like he used to and he also stares at me sometimes, but idk if hes just doin that or if he likes me. also 2day b4 the last bell rang at school, im talkin 2 my friend and i see at the corner of my eye him walkin over but when he got there he stood across from me but was ignoring me (lke he wasnt sayin anything to me) but i saw him lookin at me when he was walkin over. sometimes he acts like he likes me and sometimes he doesnt. i no this is just lke another teenage girl problem but can u pleaz give me ur opinion. thnks!!

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