Thursday, August 11, 2011

Malaysian movies suck?

Well lots of movies suck now days big time like in the US they do the same stupid movies 6 and 7 times; like rocky and spiderman and many more/I think they are trying to save money so they do the same crap and use the same gimmicks from 1'2'3'4'5'6'and 7 gggrrrr.Some new directors who are not really in it to be in rich and only in it for tyhe enjoyment of themselve and others ' and only want to make great movies' are the ones that rock./Have you seen the SAW movies 1and 2 ? They are great and scary and the special affects are awesome.Texas chainsaw macre is good to' as is Motel hell.The movies you say suck in Malaysia probable don't have the millions these guys here in hollyweird does .The malaysian music is really beautiful as is the food' and like you' the people are great' .With your great writing you really could be the next writer of movies as your imagination is so off the hook.If i could only write half as good as you do.When you get to hollywood making movies i will be your istant ok lol

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