Thursday, August 18, 2011

Has Armageddon Already Begun ?

no of course it hasn't if there was going to be an armageddon it would have been when the cold war was at its height in the 1960's and 1970's. the world now is safer than it has been for a long time

Christians; would it decreased or increased the divorce rate, if wives were submitted to their husbands?

1 Peter 3: 1 "Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;"

Where can I download the song I'm on Fire by pegazus?

I can't find it on limewire. Is it also the song played on Angel on MBC Action Commercial or like teaser or plug?(sori for that.not sure)

What can I sell in a convenience store other than cigarrettes/alcohol?

Well how do I answer this without a long dissertation. First check your variances. If you can't get a license for liquor or cigs in your described zone there might be other items you can't sell....Second,, stand outside and ask the per-bys what they would like to see sold there. I lost my gas station because of the inability to sell products, the ridiculous tax on gasoline causing my profit to be nothing, taxes on cigs, regulations on cigs. I was cited for selling hot dogs, milk, soup and cold coffee by the village of corruption and buddies, although I had the license from the Board of Health. The State gave me a liquor license, the village of corruption changed my variance (against the master plan) and was told if I sold liquor the fine would be tremendous. The list goes on. My advise to you is...if you are prohibited from selling products indicative to the type of business you are asking for a lot of grief..Your overhead is high enough just to start with and you make pennies on convenience items (I know)! Theft rate is high...hours are long and you need to be available 24-7. Try something else that gives you more bang for your money. My old gas station is a dog walking, grooming and a dog self shampooing place...they also board dogs for working families. They were able to lower the taxes, didn't need the permits required for a convenience store, the insurance is ten times lower and they have two local vets making visits twice a week. The owner, who incidentally purchased my building for back taxes knew what the community needed and is driving an escalade, lexus and has a specially equipped van to pick-up and deliver her charges. She told me she grossed over $100,000 last year and even during the recession has done quite well, because everyone goes to work and is pet sensitive in the commuting area. Good luck..hope this helped! Another thing...21 to 30 don't spend in convenience stores...Still trying to make ends meet, slowing or quitting smoking and if single they save the extra money for weekend parties at the bar or gathering hole...Sorry for the truth!

The division of the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic cell is called ?

Mitosis is the division of the eukaryotic cell itself. Cytokinesis is the division of the actual cytoplasm toward the latter stages of mitosis. The correct answer to this question is C.

Why does magma and lava give off light?

i just read a question about why does eruptions cause lightning and i thought.. why does lava produce light? where does this brightness come from inside the lava?

What Is The Most Scariest Experience You Have Ever... Well... Experienced!?

I would have to say mine is the last time I watched the movie "Hostage" with Bruce Willis, after the Final Showdown at the very end of the movie when he is finally reunited with his family and he starts to cry like a maniac. Just his facial movements is so scary, almost unreal, like a demon crying.

For H.R. people, what does the term recommended mean?

Employers are being very cautious in hiring these days because of the market. Many companies are on a day to day basis. As desperate as you are to find employment, this is not a trait that you want to reveal to the HR recruiter. Everybody has a story. You have all ready had the interview and sent out thank you cards, this is fine. DO NOT call the recruiter and pester them about the position, they will contact you if you are the right candidate. It can take from a couple days to a few months to hear something back, they may have just been interviewing for future positions. Either way, I know you are in need of work, but bothering the HR people will not help you land a position any quicker.

U.s History help (1865-1901) industrialization and urbanization?

We haven't studied this yet in cl but my answers will be a,c, and a. For the first one I will say unions because the others are what you need to have a boom; the support of the gov't, wealth of natural resources, and a large workforce. If more people are making money, more people spending money.

How do i know if i am bi??

ok so i like being arround girls and stuff and ive been having doubts about me being straight. I know this is kinda a wried question but i really need help figuring it out! hlp!!! plz! thx!

What Is The Meaning Of Life?

to love one another, do all the right things, and serve the Lord so you may get to Heaven which is perfect place compared to earth. God (our creator) gives us a free will but on judgement day, the record will be right before His eyes. God can do anything. before marriage ,swearing using God's name in vain, stealing,etc. are all sins against God. No one escapes death. Let us make the best of our life so we go to the right place for eternity.(that is a long time).

Anyone wants to say something on this?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Vista Countdown Gadget?

if your running windows, try a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How to deal with death of grandma?

Mine died 1986 and I still am not over it! Just think that she is always watching and taking care of you. The wind that blows past your ear, shivers down your arms...............Do not stand at my grave and weep. I am not there, I do not sleep.I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the diamond glints on the snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain,I am the gentle Autumn's rain. When you awaken in the morning's hush, I am the swift uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there, I did not die...

When i download stuff, the internet connection is lost and then reappears for a few secs... PLEASE HELP!!?

ok, so i start a download, example: a steam game. my internet connection works just fine but as soon as i start a download, my bit-rate drops down to 0kb/s and everything else using the internet stops working including web browser. it stays like that for about a minute and then the bit-rate goes back to normal 1.6mb/s on my steam game download, but only for about a minute, which is extremely annoying! has anyone had the same problem? any help is appreciated!

I am rephrasing my original question on travel to Canada. I am a Canadian citizen without a pport living in

I didn't see the 1st question, can you finish this one. Where are you living and what do you need to know.


i want to redecorate my room. and i want one of my walls mirrored like the entire wall. dont say ewww thats eighties because i have my mind set on it. how much would a 6 x 8 foot wall cost ? and my floor is carpet and i want it checkered, roughly how much would it be to replace the carpet with tile ? best answer :)

Where should i go over summer vacation?

New York. It's a great city to visit. So is San Fran, although New York has far more place to visit / things to see & do.

California: House is selling, already foreclosed. Pay rent?

Legally and morally you pay your rent. Do you plan to stick the guy on the lease with the entire amount. You will be sued either by they bank or the guy and that will destroy your credit and screw up eligibility for student loans

To who ever played Resident Evil Code Veronica X?

Ok. so at the part where Steve is a big green monster dude going "BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" with his magic ax of death, he sees Claire and has a moment of "oh snap what am i doing" and that's the part where he goes "C...Claire" At that point, where it is zoomed in on his eye cant you see Claire's head in his eye? as a reflection i mean

Best diet to get in shape?

i use to go to the gym almost everyday & started eating healthy, & i absolutely loved it. i felt awesome & looked great. but lately i've been stressed & studying for my real estate exam this friday, so i haven't been to the gym in over a month & have gained a few pounds and i hate it. i recently moved into my apartment, so i want to find a good diet that will help me lose a few pounds, help me feel healthy & energized everyday, tone up, & still not cost an arm & a leg since i'm on a budget. i would love any breakfast, lunch, & snack foods that anyone thinks would help me & any recipes for dinner that i can throw together in a pan, crock pot, or the oven. please help me, i want my old body back!

Why is meiosis important?

It is the production of gametes, or sperm/egg. Without meiosis, reproduction will not be possible. Adaptation wouldn't be possible, either.

Is Peterson's a good study guide to use for the GRE?

Please reply asap as this is urgent. I've been using Peterson's to prepare for my general subject GRE test which is on September 9th for a while now but my cousin who aced her GRE's (just started her master's at Harvard University last month) recently suggested that I use the Princeton Review, Kaplan or Barron's. She didn't mention Peterson's so I don't know if I should take that to mean that Peterson's is not a very good guide to use for studying.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

How to stop flashbacks induced by childhood?

i think EFT is the most effective and easiest way to deal with these things.. just get a notebook and write everything down, like you have here, and EFT it all... then you should not need therapy, or you can combine it with therapy if you want it.... it will remove the problems...

19 and living at home. Need advice on whats fair?

I think it's fair. You ARE living in your mom's house, and since you knew the rules, you knew still lied. Therefore you have consequences. Your mom has every right to be upset. Yes you're 19 but you're still her child. I respect your mom!!! :-)

Good outfit for a date to the movies?

The jeans are adorable. you might want to go with a sold color top in the v-neck style. that way it will be easier to do jewelry. Depending on the color you could do a long necklace with a ring or you just do colorful earrings. With the v-neck and jeans the converses def. work. Your hair shouldn't be exactly curly, but just a bit of a wave. As for make up, ex out the white eye shadow and brown eyeliner and you will be perfect. i hope that helped you.

Does anyone have a cross stitch footprints Chart that they can send ?

Mine got ruined by water and i can't find can email me at erflybabee27@yahoo...Please let me know....please help...thanks

Have any atheists seen the new Chronicles of Narnia movie?

I haven't seen the film, but I have read the books. C S Lewis had in mind presenting Christian beliefs to children in a way that they could understand. That wouldn't stop me from taking kids to see it.

Are mage parlours safe and legal in UK?

As long as you just want the mage it is legal, it becomes illegal when the mage place is really a cover for prostitution.

Is taking crochet cles more useful than learning from books?

I would like to learn to crochet and am considering taking a cl at the Y (it's $150 for 6 cles). I'm wondering if learning to crochet in this hands-on method would be significantly better than learning from books and videos. Anyone have experience with this?

Great Gatsby Thesis Statement?

i need a thesis statment for this topic. what is F. Scott Fitzgeralds view of life based on The Great Gatsby? thanks

The effects on America due to Japan's neuclear powerplant failures.?

As you probably know by watching the news... The Fukushima neuclear powerplant reactors 1, 2 and 3 have all been experiencing major technical difficulties. The question that pops into head Is; when the powerplant's neuclear reactors reach the meltdown point; when will there be neuclear fallout? When will this neuclear fallout become a major problem. Not only will the air be contaminated but then to my knoledge the water, and land. CNN and Fox News have been doing a great job covering the the steps of the reactors and their danger levels. But what i'm sure everyone wants to know is. Will this radioactive matter reach All of us in America, and if so when? About 30mins ago a meteroloist had come on air and and partially covered the wind patterns. His statements were simar to this: The winds are blowing north west twards the shore line; This is indeed terrible for Japan. Then he says that later the winds will change moving north east. By looking at a map and knowing geography that's in our direction! Is this guy mentally challenged?! That's bad for us!! What do we do if there is neuclear fallout comes our way. What do we need to do to survive? Is this emminent because japan literally losing control of their nuclear facilities.

What is "evil" about corporations and rich folks?

I keep reading this comment over and over like a mantra without any facts to back it up. Please illuminate me on this subject. I am thankful for big corporations and rich folks. They provide jobs to most Americans who wish to work.

Box paradox?

Even though it would seem that you have an even chance of having chosen correctly with the first choice, you should always change boxes and switch to Box C. The explanation comes from the fact that your initial guess was based upon 1:2 odds. As soon as the contents of Box B was known, then the odds changed to 50% with your second choice. I know it may seem silly, but statistically you should always swap because otherwise you are still going with your original 1:2 choice instead of 1:1.

Do you wished Harold Campings was right about the rapture on May 21, 2011 before he was wrong?

i was hoping for a zombie apocalypse to be honest with you. seems like it could be a stress reliever. you know killing all those zombies.

Will girls hate me because of my problem? Pictures included?

im a girl and ive seen lots of guys skinnier than that. and no some girls like skinny guys and some girls like bigger boys

Gas gauge frozen...??urgent?

so why have you not used the odometer? all you do is pick a number like 54000 drive two hundred miles and fill it up at 54200 ? no strain, no brain simple works perfect every time, and pretty soon you will be filling the tank every 200 miles, and if you go over a little by accident,your fine, you know you have gas. The problem is likely the sending unit in the gas tank. In order to replace it, you must drop the tank. you can find a shop repair manual for the vehicle and test the guage to see if it works, but its most likely the problem is in the tank.

Can you name me some land animals that can kill a crocodile?

An elephant could trample one to death without too much difficulty, and a hippo could likely kill one with its devastating bite (if you consider a hippo a land mammal, that is). A rhino could possibly kill one by spearing it with its horn. Lions are known to kill Nile crocodiles on occasion, and tigers to kill mugger crocodiles, so it's possible they could kill a saltie if they came into contact with it, but I wouldn't say they could do so 'with ease'. A human with the right weapon can kill just about anything, if that counts.


Dry the egg shell. Crush it up and weigh it. Add dilute HCl. Let stand for a few hours. Filter off the stuff that did not dissolve. Rinse the solids in the filter and collect with the HCl liquid. Evaporate the HCl liquid. Weigh the solids. Calculate the moles of CaCl2. Convert to g of CaCO3. This should be close to your original weight if your umption is correct.

How many heard about the nice Australian crocodile fellows` sad tragedy, and will miss him greatly, as I will?

I am Still Crying! The Man was Such a Dear Fellow. My Heart Goes out to Terri and their Family. GOOD-BYE Mate-We'll Miss You! Crikey-Terri, Your My Sheila!

Which is your favorite out of these?

lion, tiger (including white tiger), leopard (including black leopard), cheetah (including king cheetah), cougar, jaguar (including black jaguar), snow leopard, clouded leopard, or lynx

Christians: What's your opinion on the following page?

My opinion is that it applies to today's radical anti-gay activists and large, anti-gay advocacy groups such as the ones pushing evil measures like Prop. 8. Clearly, taking away the rights of others in total disregard of Christ's commandments is bad fruit. And we know that a "good" tree does not produce bad fruit. Thus, we are to reject groups which try to redefine morality so as to make people believe that "treat others as you want to be treated" really means "take away the civil rights and religious liberty from law-abiding, taxpaying, gay Americans."

How do civilizations adapt to their geographic surroundings. ?

Using china and egypt or Rome at least 2 of them needs to be included. Need help on my essay for global. Thank youu.

Do Lebanese Muslims/Christians observe religious dietary laws?

I understand that Muslim dietary law prohibits consumption of alcohol and pork, among other things. However, alcohol seems to be a somewhat normal part of the lebanese diet. Do lebanese citizens follow dietary laws of their respective religions? Do Maronites have any dietary laws?

Can cats recognize when you feel sick or depressed?

Some animals can feel wieh there is an issue. We have a Little short haired Russian Blue cat that is about 12 years old. She knows when we hurt or are sick. She will ty ro sit on or around whatever hurts and trys to "take care" of the person that is not doing well by following them closely and she also scolds the other people in the house if they leave the sick/hurt one alone too long. My daughter used to get really bad nose bleeds in the middle of the night. (she had a surgical lproceedure to aleviate that, so it does not happen any more) If I did not get up and be with her the cat would wake me up and pace between my room and the bathroom until I got up. Also, if my daughter, who is 19 leaves the house, the cat is insufferable if she did not say goodbye to her. So, yes, they feel stuff and they are like little people.

If you want to write about a drummer, what should you know?

a href="" rel="nofollow"

Who, in your opinion is the top ten greatest actors-actresses?

me and my sis are trying to do a countdown on the greatest actors and actresses in America. so far we have four. Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington, Will Smith, Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts... and we can't agree on any others.

The new SNL cast member dropped the F-bomb on live TV?

I do not think that she will get in trouble for that. The whole skit consisted of her and two other women using the words freakin' and frickin', and new cast member Jenny Slate said F---in' by mistake. It was such a bland, boring skit that the F bomb was the highlight of the of the whole thing.

Do you agree with this reason why the Honorable Obama has lost his way?

While I think Obama is a racist pig, this is a rant, not a question. (And a regurgitated, copied and pasted one at that)

Now that it is certain that US is going down. Would there be a civil war?

Geez you repubs are so dramatic when you are not the ones in power. If that were the case, we would have had a civil war during the Bush years.

Which phone is better blackjack or LG Shine?

I don't really need a phone for internet nor texting I might use texting a little bit but not the internet. I pretty much want a phone for talking. Which phone do you think would be good for me? Which phone is nicer?

Please help me write an essay over fear.?

Fear is actually a biological response to the minds perception of danger based on external stimulation. When something "frightening" happens, the stimuli activates the central nervous system causing several different reactions for different people. Most people are familiar with "fight of flight" but fear can also activate a paralysis response. I forget the actual chemical processes involved as it has been a few years since I studied human biology and physiology, but you can look it up in any physiology book. It is also possible, though not probable, to be scared to death due to the amounts of chemicals released during a fear response. It's actually a fascinating topic.

Confused about this guy, please help (not long,annoying or confusing)?

Seems to me like he just want to have someone while he's there and would welcome the opportunity for . He's trouble. I'd be worried.

Has anyone seen any of theses movies?

i am havin a scarysleepover are anyof theses films gd red eye,flight plan,vertigo,acracniphobiathe covenant,the village,senital are there anymore you can think of

What was River Phoenix's most well known movie role?

What film role would River Phoenix be perhaps most well-known for? Im guessing that it is either "Stand By Me," "Running On Empty" for which he was nominated for an oscar, "Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade", where he played Indy as a kid or "My Own Private Idaho." Which of those would be the role that he is most well-known for?

Can you translate this Spanish into English?

hehehe pues en Colombia espero que bien, creo que no sabes que vivo en united states XD pero en summer creo que ire de vacaciones a colombia gracias por preguntar

People who are online hlp!!?

i like this girl! She knows that i like her! We knew eachother for a long time. We dont talk alot anymore because something happened. When i see her in the halls we stare at eachother! I pretend i dont see her, she does too! does she like me! she is on aim should i talk to her!

How can I look prettier?

I'm in highschool and you know how random ppl come and say sumthing 2 u. well there was this group of guys i didnt know. one of them was like o my friend likes u. they were kidding and his friend was like ewww dont even go there. stupid ppl like that really lower my self esteem and they have no idea how much they hurt me to laugh a little. how do i make myself more attractive so ppl dnt treat me like that. Im 14 and I dnt think of myself as ugly but im not gorgeous either. i have gles n my eyes r really pretty theyre the only good thing bout me. i wear eyeliner and mascara and lipgloss occasionally. I dress very well and buy really nice clothes to make me look pretty. wat else can i possibly do?

Why should we reduce our ecological footprint and impact on earth?

YOU should do it so that I don't have to change. The more people I get to go "green" the less changes I have to make :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Things about cheetahs?

I need this for a project. What kinds of things to cheetahs eat? How do cheetahs eat? How do they behave?

How do I find out more about football?

Try "Football for Dummies" If you really want to get into it, officiate for one season and you'll learn more about the game than most players know.

How do some people argue against evidence for evolution?

They start out with the absolute belief that God created everything as in the Bible. Therefore, whatever evidence exists must be wrong. They'll just come up with out of this world theories on why it must be wrong. Like god created light already in transit to earth from galaxies 8 million light years away.

Who think this is stupid?

I went to Hershey Park a few days ago, and the safety signs outside the rides states that one cannot hold a infant and get on the ride. Now is this not common sence who gets onto a roller coaster or any ride for that matter with a infant. Also on these signs is a notice that a law had to be made to make sure everybody follows the safety rule posted on the sign like people cannot simply abide to the rules themselves and avoid pointless laws like this.

My wife releases the foulest air from her ocks, what can i do?

how do you stop a person from farting. it really smells. BAD. is there some tablets she can take like windease or smell-o-gone or fart-no-cot.

How are gsp,jon fitch, and josh koscheck so good at takedowns.?

how are all these shrimpy ufc fighters so good at wrestling. example:gsp vs sean sherk. i mean i understand how dan henderson is good at takedowns cuz he uses clinch sweeps, but gsp,fitch, and koscheck use takedowns. how do they take huge guys like sean sherk,matt hughes,diego sanchez,and anyone else that is huge.

Where could i buy a large hand like in the "Foo Fighters - Everlong" video?

been searching for giant foam hands and such and cant seem to find anything that is not a foam football hand. would love to find one like in the video.

Looking for a Book Based on Real Life and Tragic?

I've recently discovered I love tragedies (as long as they don't happen to me :P) and I was wondering if anybody had any recommendations. I like stuff that's either realistic or actually true (no Romeo and Juliet or Titanic crap), has complex characters and relationships (platonic, romantic, or other), and I don't like it when the characters are never happy. Without a little hope, tragedies just seem angsty. Oh, and an adult reading level, please. Thanx! :D

If a home is left to 3 surviving children , and sold outside family is there a capitol gains tax?

this home appraised at 118,000. If sold on the market is there a capitol gains tax or will each surviving child get 33 1/3% of the 118,000, there was already 210,000 in cash split 3 ways

Readers and Writers! Is this a good story opener?

that's wicked becca!! reminds me of the tv series "dark angel" or even the film "gattaca". keep up the good work, and whenever your book gets published, be sure to send me an autographed copy! :)

What does my awesome dream mean?

Last night i dreamed of Harry Potter, Cedric Diggory, and snape. I walked through a door to a mine with Harry and Snape to see cedric, who was messing with random contraptions. I ended up hugging Cedric and he said "ah. weary arms. they fill me with sorrow" Then Cedric smashed a TV. What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Penile question. And what do I do about it?

Well.. I've never heard of any of this... Just go to the doctor, Nd say you want a partial circision?? I really honestly dnt know, but this sounds super un healthy

Fiance and mother of my child took off her engagment ring on a night on the town..?

What the F? she says she never took it off but I saw pictures from the night and NO RING! ? what should I think? this is the mother of my child and wife to be. We have been together for three years and I am the full time parent of our child because my fiance is in a year long army school....feelings on this? Oh yeah, I NEVER EVER get to go out and enjoy my friends or anything for that matter, I work 40-60 Hrs a week and take care of our one year old daughter....ugg.....

Can guinea pigs eat Fig wood???

fig and sycamore should be fine, just boil them in water and freeze them to kill any bacteria or bugs on them

If Judge Judy ruled the world?

Judge Judy is one of the poorest examples of a judge I have ever seen, and I use the term "judge" loosely. To get respect, one should not be afraid to earn it.

Does hydrolysis of an ester still occur in deionized or distilled water?

Yes, but only in very small amounts. Hydrolysis of an ester is catalyzed by hydronium ions in acidic solutions, so the reaction occurs at a measurable rate. But even in neutral solution, there will be a very slow hydrolysis. And as the hydrolysis proceeds, it will produce some acid, which will then start to speed the reaction as the solution gets more acidic.

Has Mitt Romney disociated himself from his religious elders when it comes to legislation?

JF Kennedy said he was not under authority of the Pope when it came to legislation. Mitt Romney is a Mormon and presumably his religious elders may have some sway over what he can do and this may be the cause of some concern for non Mormon voters. has he made any statements similar to JFK's statements to put the electorate at ease?

Do XYY individuals have normal fertility?

My cousin's son has Jacob Syndrome (XYY). He is about to get married, and I understand he is as capable of producing children as a normal man. Can someone explain to me how this is possible? I would think only 50% of his sperm would be viable, given the way Meiosis was taught to me.

Do you think that Dennis Rodman and Tex winter of the bulls will be in 2010 NBA hall of fame?

7x NBA Rebounding Champion (1992–1998)Dennis Rodman Tex winter made the triangle offense helped the bulls win Dennis Rodman and tex winter record speaks for its self dont you belive thoes 2 should be in hall of fame. Dennis Rodman 7 defensive teams that grat he had a good Career in nba evethough he had off courts things but hall of fame is were these to should be next year 2010. I hope bulls retire Dennis Rodman becaues he needs it and work hard for that

Has anyone really one a eurolotto or a yahoo lotto, are they even real??

they are not real they are the biggest scam never has nor ever will have a lottery and that goes for the euro one too. they get your personal info and steal your identity. if you give them your bank info then bet that it will be drained in no time. if you have any questions go to the upper right side of this page and look under 'forum' or 'blog' and go there and ask the same question there are lots of answers to all kinds of questions there.

What are the preferred races for Jews to blend with?

to help dissolve their tainted flesh? I heard it was aryans at one point, now i see many are turning more towards the africans...

Augustus over Julius Caesar?

Your points about Augustus are true, though biased, but if I had to wager a guess about the differences between the two I would have to state that I think Julius Caesar is the more romantic figure. Augustus is far too practical and lived to a ripe, old age. Julius, on the other hand, met a tragic end at the hands of his colleagues, who, ironically, were trying to prevent the sort of Rome Augustus threw together. It's an arguable fact which of the two was the greater military genius, however, I don't see Augustus travelling the known world from Britain, to Africa, to the northlands of Europe, defeating all his enemies. What Augustus deserves credit for, ultimately, is ushering in an era of peace whereby the arts could flourish, not for his military greatness or political savvy. If you value administrative skills over tactical prowess, then Augustus could definitely be said to be the better man.

Is anyone surprised that Rosie O'Donnell and wife have split?

Im actually surprised that the union last this long given Rosie's less than "easy to take" personality? Does anyone think that they will get back together?

My carbon monoxide alarm went off once but now its stopped..what to do?

Our alarm is about 6 months old and tonight it suddenly started ringing continusly for about 30 partner took it down and it stopped. Put it back up..its quiet now. We live in a bedsit with no gas appliances in our room except a boiler below us in bathroom. Like i said it was ringing for about 30 seconds but now its completely quiet. Called the gas emergency line and got told they're sending someone out. Waiting now. What should we do?? Anyone have any advice on why the alarm went off? Thanks

Five rights of medication administration...?

I am trying to remember the "A" in TRAMPED which is the mnemonic to remember the rights of medication administration. Did anyone learn the rights this way? This has been bugging me all day!!!!

How much money do will i make working full time during the summer?

So Im looking for my first job working full time during the summer i need a job to pay for my snowboard equipment. I was just wondering what I could make during the summer living in canada. Also where should i apply? Thanks for answering :)

How long can i keep a thawed turkey in the fridge before i bake it ?

a turkey was given to us frozen on Tuesday 11/20, we kept it in the fridge as we had to go out of town. It is now Tuesday 11/27 is it still safe to cook ?

How do you make a radiation environment?

I am in the process of preparing a Science Summer Program for High School students. This year we (the Grant Faculty) will be researching Rockets across the disciplines of Biology, Mathematics, CIS, and Physics. The Biology portion will study fungus and how it affects rockets, space crafts, etc.. I read that new findings are showing that fungus can thrive in radioactive environments in space. How could we test this?

Monday, August 15, 2011

How can I get over this feeling of betrayal and hurt from my ex-bf?

Let him go. Sometimes it is hard to get over someone even if you were the one to end the relationship. Go out and meet you someone new of just hang out with your friends. Do something to get your mind off of him.

Hide the "user's myspace is set to private..." code?

There's no way to manipulate that private banner other than tweaking your profile with the Myspace profile editor. That's how other people customize their private page. Just click Edit Profile on your Home page, and click Profile Editor on the right-hand side of the screen. There you can set the background, font scheme, etc. for both your profile and private screen.

Should I Drop out or Die of drug overdose..?

Just get a GED and be done with school. If you want to go to college you can start out at a community college with a GED

Why do Leftists deliberately supress knowledge about the horrors of Communism?

you're confusing the crime with the political idea. It;s like saying, the US was a democracy and slaughtered millions of Indians and took their land, so democracy must be bad. It doesn't work like that in the real world.

Are there supernatural forces conspiring against Miami (incomprehensible stats coming)?

I think that Karma is getting back at Bosh and LeBron for leaving their teams.. :O.. No in all seriousness they are just going through a small slump and will be back in a week or too.

Have WWE really shot themselves in the foot this time with the womens division?

i disagree with you guys. they need to build up the womens division with the new divas. give the newest divas the title and give them a title run and then have the veterans make them look good.

Why would you beg for ?

Someone I thought was my friend begged to have with me? I am not that hot... omg. I'm no Pamela Anderson. No Scarlet Jo. No Beyonce. No Meagan Goode. WTF? ****, even if I wanted it I would never beg. Damn.

Why do some reject Jesus the Messiah's love and the fact of intelligent designs need intelligent designers?

I accept intelligent design, because it's intelligent. It's only natural to ume that if there is creation, there has to be something that made it.

Are the dashboards interchangeable, between a Lincoln Town Car & a Ford Crown Vic?

no they arent . they are the same cars in the frames and motors and transmissions only the interiors are completely different the seats probably wouldnt fit. you better off going to jc whitney and looking for the the parts you want for the car to add to your existing dash

Veronica Mars GONE!???

IS VERONICA MARS GONE???? (sorry about caps but I just looked it up and I was like totally pissed cause its not there anymore, its not on the cw listings???)

NBA Break Ups?

We all know how the Shaq and Kobe split worked out. But what about the others like; Stephon and KG? Boozer and Lebron? Tracy McGrady and Vince Carter? Dirk and Nash? Or any others you can think of. What NBA duo or trio would you have liked to stay together rather than going to different teams and why?

Can someone help me with Spousal Collocation for two U.S. Navy sailors?

Rates are your rank, Rating is your job. If you are married before she goes to Boot then that is fine, she will become your dependent until then. No, she can't get it written in her orders that you will be together, it all depends on what orders are available when she is in A School. There is a chance but no guarantees.

Does ugg boots have a legit outlet?

does anyone know where to buy ugg boots for a cheap price? i love them but i dont know if i can spend 300 on another pair, has anyone bought a pair of uggs online for a cheap price and DIDNT get scammed? if so, whats the site?... please and thanks

How does one use clip art?

how does one use it,iwant to put moving things on my that what you use please help or what do you call this all help will be great thanks

RB Bundle, Rate top to bottom or pick 3: Forte, Gore, Rice, Addai, PT - 10 points to best answer?

Rice is a monster who can not sit. He is a player who comes in week in and week out and provides consistant numbers. You know hes worth 10fantasy points atleast every week. Also Matt Forte is a must start against Cleveland. He Hasnt hard the best startes this year, but i think the second half of the season is when we will all see the old matt. And my 3rd id go with Thomas. I understand your worried about his share load, but i wouldnt. He is way better the Shonn Greene and when it comes to goal line carries, he will get the go. Sure greene has had a good couple of weeks, but jone is a beast and dont sit him. My 4th:Gore, hes coming off an injury and i know indy has a tough d, but he will want to re-ert himself as the dominant back and i think h e will have an excellent day. Not the numbers hes used to because its against indy, but a productive day none the less. 5th: Obviously is Addai. Im not on his band wagon yet. I know he has been somewhat consistant and productive, but so has a miles austin who before 3 weeks ago no one heard of. Now everyone wants him. I picked him up 5 weeks ago and last week traded him for andre johnson. Crazy huh? These people jump on band wagons before they even see a couple weeks of action. I think addai is one of those people right now, just bench and make sure he is legit. Hope any of this helps and good luck.

Where could i buy a Fleece shippuden Hinata costume for my girlfriend?

she really wants to dress up as hinata for a cosplay but she only wants the fabric in fleece or similar fabric like polyester please help

Whats the dumbest/weirdest wikipedia typo or purposely stupid mistake?

Someone posted jamie Lynn Spears's occupation as a slut the other day, and it was removed within 4 minutes.

Civil war?

HaHa! That's very good! I guess he thinks it's everything in the world but a civil war. Remember way back when the Bush administration didn't want to call the insurgents, "insurgents"? Rumfeld said that by calling them that it gave them validity.

Should i take my sister to hospital?

Im scared iv made her blind or something. It wasnt my fault. We are home alone and the house is a mess and my mum rang me and said she is on her way home so me and my sister always rush around to clean the house a day before she comes home. But my mum had an argument with her bf so she came home early. So after me hoovering the living room i told my sister to unplug it and without putting the switch up first she just pulled the plug out and it made a huge bang noise and flahsed. She was so close to the switch it flashed in her eyes and now shes saying she cant see proper. She couldnt see nothing at first but she sat down for about 5mins then she could see abit more but its been like 30mins and shes saying she can just about see, she says its just black and she has to blink a few times to see. Should i take her to hospital? Should i be worried about this? She is 13:(( PLease help

Who Agrees, Evan Bourne vs Matt Hardy vs the best match of the night?

It was the most exciting match of the night. They had great chemistry in the ring and put on a beleiveable match.

How can Hillary claim Obama is "Elitist" while her husband is a paid Lobbyist for Colombia "Free Trade"?

McCain owns like 8 house. Frankly, I don't see how any of them can call anyone 'elitist' with a straight face.

Translation English to German?

When the President signs this act [Federeal Reserve Act of 1913] the invisible government by the Monetary Power will be legalized.

Middle East board Game?

I would go to the CIA and State Department web sites. This stuff is always in flux but you can use GNP as an indicator for economic strength. The political score would be harder to put a number on, but I would look at the long term stability of the government. So places with lots of inations would be less politically powerful. The military might be the hardest to figure out since most militaries don't list the number of their tanks, and if they did you might not believe them. Here is a good site to consider. a href="" rel="nofollow" Good luck and tell me how it turns out.

How difficult would a double major be with the addition of a double minor?

I want to double major and double minor in college. I'm thinking history and secondary education, because I want to teach history, primarily, but I also want to double minor in art and creative writing. I'm not worried about keeping up with the minors. Will the major be too difficult with the amount of extra work? (I know there's no straightforward answer, but any insight would help. :] )

Why should we praise someone who has a God?

It's ok to praise someone who has a God because he recognize that , someone is above him. We shouldn't Praise someone who thinks he's God!

Fancy guppy lying on the bottom of the tank, will it die soon?

a fancy guppy (female) was nipped by tiger barbs last week but i have removed them & at first she seemed to be better, but now i can't be sure. her partner who was in a worst shape than her, is fine now, swimming around. but she's just laying at the bottom of the tank among the pebbles & seems to be leaning sideways. why? will she die soon? can i cure her? she hasn't been eating either.

Did you know that the US government is (indirectly) responsible for killing 1 million Iraqi children?

I am not justifying anybody, I am just pointing out the fact that Osama bin Laden is not mindlessly attacking the USA. Ever wondered why he is so hell-bent on destroying American lives. I am just telling you thats the main reason...

Serious answers: My have been feeling bubbly??

Whats wrong?! I mean i have this wierd bubbly sensation in my testicals...could it be that my testicals are ascending?

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Are us old-school cops more y than the pansie-a$$ cops these days?

I remember watching those cops standing around pow-wowing at Columbine, while those kids inside were getting wasted. Made me want to cry. I was a Philadelphia police officer for 17 years, during the 50s and 60s. We would have gone in there and started bustin heads. It's sad how low standards have fallen.

Do you know what is Islam and who is Mohammed?

I know what Islam is, and i know who Muhammad is... However, i have no idea what your actual question is...

5 year old preschooler - tantrums and defiant behavior - daily - what to do?

I'm thinking everything BUT ADHD (overused diagnosis). So many times, educators label misbehavior as ADd/ADHD when it is just a kid who just isn't ready for long sit-down academic learning. Since he was once not too bad, I am concerned he may be feeling stressed from a long day. Stress in a child can cause the lil one to turn in, or act outward. Is he in a program all day? He may be ready to 'call it a day' and just be at home with mom. He may need some quiet 'down time'. Another issue, some boys just are not developmentally ready at this age for a long academic program. Is he able to wiggle and move? Is there a balance of free choice/teacher choice activities, quiet and noisy? Or, can he be feeling 'lost in the pack'. Also, try picture cue cards. Just draw a simple line drawing pix of an activity, such as a ball / car / trike / paint / book. You can give him an option to pick one when it is art/gym/play time. Also, you can have pix cues to let the boy know it will soon be clean-up time. I use a pix of the daily schedule, and I can point to the pix to let a child know it will soon be time for another activity. I heard about pix cues, and I thought that was a crazy idea. It has always worked on the kids that throw tantrums. One boy, he screamed every time we walked into the gym, and then when we left. I had him pick between two things to play with in the gym (car / ball). He picked the car pix. I could tell he was very anxious, and stressed about his choice. When he got there, he turned his card in for the car. As he gained confidence, we picked between three things, then one day he said "I don't need those cards anymore." I think sometimes we tend to 'talk a kid to death' with positive discipline. Be clear. Offer two or three choices. Set limits.

Main Government of Canada?

I got into an argument with a friend the other day, about what type of government Canada has, I said the the Monarchy part of the government was the head of state, but he said it was the parliament, so which one has the most "power" the democratic parliament or the constitutional monarchy?

Why do some virgins think they are superior to nonvirgins?

Ok, so I have just started college a month ago and as you may have guessed I am not a virgin. I have slept with six guys spaced out over a year and a half and my best friend is a virgin. Since going to college we have hooked up with a few people (I haven't slept with any of them, but I did go back to a few of their places) My virgin friend has been saying stuff to me like what you are doing looks really bad and hints that I am a slut. It doesn't make sense because she brings guys back to her dorm all the time, but just doesn't go to there house. Whats the difference? And I have only hooked up with a few guys since coming here, but she has made out with over fifteen guys in the last month! She also recently started trying since coming to college(with a guy she just met when she was drunk) and has done that to three guys so far. I don't understand it. She looks down on me just because I have had when she is really more promiscuous than me. When we talk about it she just says "Well I am a virgin" to justify her behavior. Can anyone explain this to me?

Does ozone help reduce pollution?

Using Los Angeles smog as an example. It sounds like people don't understand how the ozone in smog is formed. My understanding is that when you have incomplete combustion in engines, you get not only carbon monoxide but also ozone. Instead of CO2, you get CO plus O. O is ozone, one atom of oxygen. In the air, when O meets CO they merge again to form CO2. So O neutralizes carbon monoxide. Is that the way you see it? Do you view ozone as a harmful pollutant?

I want some suggestion to restart my career after a long break?

i have done AMIE in electronic & comm.I have worked in telecom company for 1 and 1/2 year.Becoz of my fathers continuous illness, i have to left that job.After marriage again i joined new job, but in a software company as a software tester.I have a experience of nearly 5 years on that field.But again becoz of complecation in my pregnency i have to left my job.and form last 1 and 1/2 year ,i am unemployed.I again want to start a fresh but in a telecom field.Can you plese sugeest me any specified course in this field, which can help me in getting good job.Thanks

Do you think 2pac, was one of the greatest poets of our time?

After growing up with his music, and studying his lyrics word for word,.I think people don't realize his genius. Ive studied many others, Lil Wayne and alot other rappers, are not poets or pocess any profound theories of a self conscious ideologies, such as Tupac,. He died at 25, and Shakespeare died at 51, catch my drift...This young man reached millions, with his brilliant delivery and story telling.

What if a deposit is made to my account by accident by putting in the wrong acc num on the deposit slip?

It is not your money. The bank will debit your account when the error is found. This is determined law.

What is the real reason for facebook owning our things?

It`s my debate topic for my midterm english cl. I need the real purpose of them owning our stuff, why do they want to be able to do what they want with our photos and sh*t

What's the best file recovery program out there>?

I have a corrupted memory card that I have managed to get about 50/400 pictures ( I also have videos I want ) off of with a freeware. I will pay a small amount of money if I know it will work. I tried this one free program and it got all of my pictures...but the are either covered in gray partial or completely... Thanks for the help and the answers (:

I need development field in sahara desert itis producing both oil and gas?

i need details about exploration of oil and gas evaluated to ess the sustainability of field and operator itis partners

How to do an Ollie on a skateboard?

it is simple put your back foot in the middle of the tail.put your front foot in the middle of the board.then pop down the tail,next slide your foot across the grip tape and jump.

What is the meaning of the song lyrics of brother can you spare a dime by Rudy Vallee, 1932?

When this song was recorded in 1932, one out of every four Americans who wanted work could not find work. The banking system was near collapse. Record sales had plummeted because Americans did not have the money for such luxuries. No song captures the dark spirit of the Great Depression more than "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?" The song was written for a Broadway musical, "New Americana." Rudy Vallee recorded the song shortly before President Roosevelt's election.

Why do science have to be so boring?

well for me science is intersting,but why do they hav stupid long words and remember many thing about it,like for example trying to find the difference from meiosis and mitosis

Reviews Of Hotel Rooms In LAS VEGAS, HELP!?

Don't believe everything you read. Harrahs and the Flamingo are just fine mid strip, actually I thing Harrahs has better rooms and a better Buffet.

Did anyone hear about Mr. Canseco's 3rd book entitled 'Jeter, Jugs & Juice"? Hmmmm???

The odds in Vegas that the entire Yankee team is cheating by using Hgh and steroids is even money. I bet it Sunday when i was in Vegas. I heard that when Canseco interviewed Jeter for that book that he told Canseco he was forced to take steroids by the Steinbrenner family.

{Black Men}-->Do you think that us Black women can be over dramatic sometimes?

As a Black man from CUBA (You asked "Black men" and i'm considered one) I think Black women from the states are a little too y. Again, I want an educated sistah not one with a brain of a parakeet.

I want to make copies of software programs on my pc.?

Is there some type of freeware or shareware that will let me make copies of my programs. I have the installation serial, but I lost the cd. So what I wanted to do was to burn it on2 a blank cd, and load it back on my computer after i wipe it out. any1 know how to do this???

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I need a little help...?

जीने के रूप में अगर तुम कल मरने के लिए गए थे. यदि आप हमेशा के लिए जीवित थे के रूप में जानें

uming that Global Climate Change is happening?

Ozone and Carbon Dioxide are two separate ges, and form different parts of the atmosphere. Ozone depletion and Carbon increases are two separate issues. The ozone acts as a shield against ultraviolet radiation, and its thinning leads to increased cancer rates and other problems. Carbon Dioxide, as well as other "green house ges" insulate the planet and retain heat by reflecting infrared radiation back to the earth.

Can zebra finches and on quails live together?

I have an aviary, 2 meters high, 2 meters long, 1.2 meter wide. I have 3 zebras, 1 male, 2 females. my friend doesn't want her on Quails any more, she has a male and a female. Will they be fine together or will they fight?

Which QB to start Week 12?

Which QB I start really varies because I didn't draft one high. This week I get Palmer against Clevland, and Helbeck against St. Louis. Fantastic match-ups for both of them but I can only start one. Palmer is a little better of a QB but overall has a better team and therefore when they get too far ahead I don't want them to abandon the p game

The Da Vinci code is based on historical facts.How could this help some people believe in Christianity?

No, it is not. The DaVinci Code is a mix of hoax and pseudo-history. I mean, no, he did not get every single fact wrong, but what Brown portrays overall has no historical validity to it.

Has indian advances in the military field and space technology only due to Russian help?

Nearly 80% of indias entires navy,airforce,army are equipped with russian made weapons,this is the same for China's military,India and Russia Jointly have so far developed the BrahMos cruise missile which is the fastest in the world,They have also jointly developed Indias space program which enabled India to launch a space probe to the moon last year,India/Russia also jointly made India first Nuclear Submarine,and just recently the India/Russian joint stealth fighter made it;'s maiden flight,So do you think India could have done all these by them selves?

Is there such a thing as a probability amplifier?

Fashion, or rather 'memes' spring to mind in the light of your question Askyourmind. The probability of say a 'Mexican wave' in stadiums throughout the world is now greatly increased, simply because the fad caught on following the Mexico Olympic Games. This seemingly spontaneous generation of the wave must have its origins in the minds of a few who perhaps noticed an accidental event at some place earlier which has now become a mind spark for generating all future and more probable waves worldwide. It seems to me many things from the wearing of similar clothes to belonging to a particular religion may become more probable due to patterns of human behaviour, the idea has only to catch on, and maybe the idea can be from design, nature, or even nurture, and can start from a single individual thought.

Ex girlfriend problem?

ok, so i dated this lovely chick for about a year, and we broke up around december of last yr. we still talked and told each other that we think about each other alot, and wed hang out and mess around, but we wouldnt sleep together, which was frustrating to me bec it was mixed signals and i was getting confused. i have had a good relationship w/ her family, so me and her brother we still hang out sometimes, and w/ how things have been between us ive been mainly hanging out w/ him and w/ her i have been saying no, and well thru out the yr i was w/ her her brother never got in between us ever,but tonight he did, he asked me to hang out w/ him and told me his sister was there so i said no ur sister is with u id rather not, but he tried to force the issue by asking why when he has never done that, bec i dont know what his sister wants from me, and i dont wanna get hung up on her again if she is trying to mess w/ my mind, im so confused and dont know what to do.

Walking like Zombies when ressurrected?

The bible says heaven is way better then hell. It's being in the presence of God forever. You want to learn more about what could await for your eternity, read the bible or get educated about it.

How much longer do I have....?

I have had a very very very slow digestive problem, so, 30 minutes ago, (10:30 my time) I drank about 30 ounces of water, took two swigs of extra virgin olive oil, ate 2 small packs of apple sauce, I tried to eat prunes, but they were too nasty... So I had one prune (lol) and a bowl of bran cereal filled with dried fruits. How much longer do I have? it is now 11:00. And I have been thinking about drinking some really hot, hot sauce, but i'm not sure if that will do anything.

Help me with a girl please?

So I have been hanging out with this girl for awhile and she came over with a couple of friends but my friends left and she stayed and we watched a movie. I'm trying wait for a moment to go in for the kiss( we're sharing a blanket and shes like snuggled up with me so it's not like she's not interested) but I just kept waiting for the right time and it never came so when should I do it or what should I do to help lead up to it?

Oh, God, what on earth possessed me to like these names!?

I loved this name and still like it *cringes* Nevaeh. Pretty much everyone hates it! But I love it not beacause its Heaven backwards I just like the sound of it! All you baby namers are gonna kill me now!!!:L *hides under table from angry baby namers*

The Aztec civilization was immediately preceded by what Pre-Colobian civialization?

Do you mean the Toltecs, in the same area, or does your timeline include other Mesoamerican civilizations such as the Zapotecs and the Maya?

I'm a Clinton Democrat, but I was VERY IMPRESSED with Sarah Palin. Anyone else here feel the same way?

how are you claimig to be a democrat yet you're voting republican, they dont share any of the same views or values. or is it that you just dont want to vote for obama? be honest

U2 I still haven't found what i'm looking for Rattle and Hum version?

Do not know if this is what you want but have a look>>a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What the difference between a jaguar and cheetah?

the jaguar is more like a leopard but black and still has the spots but a cheetah has a whole different look, the legs r longer the body is more stream line, and the head is smaller. The cheetah is built for speed, but the jaguar is like the leopard its body or more solid and bulkier for stalking through the bush.

Will you please help me find this song?

I can't find this freaking song all I know is in part of the phrase a WOMAN is singing "She don't know~" and "He don't know~" and something like the word spaces? or places? or maybe even faces. I love the song and it's killing me not to know who sings it or even it's friggin title. It is not the Bon Jovi song nor is it the Usher song and I am sure It has come come in the latest few months of 2010. heeeeeelllp please!!!!

I need to plan a scavenger hunt for a 13 year old's birthday party!?

my only suggestion would be to stick to "kid friendly" stores. The secury guards at the door of Louis Vuitton wouldn't appreciate kids running around. Maybe even stick to a section of the mall.

Fantasy Football Advice?

All the runningbacks are young. Obviously grant and Barber had great years last year, but ask yourself if you want to put your entire running back core in the hands of all those young backs. I would suggest bringing in a vetran back like jamal lewis or willis mcghee.

Why is my Hyacinth wilting?

Hi! I have a pink hyacinth that finished opening a week ago. The last time I had a hyacinth, I remember it lasting for weeks, but this one is already thinning out and darkening considerably. It also has lost its fragrance and smells unpleasant. I water the flower every two days and it gets indirect sunlight from a south-facing window (I live in northern Minnesota). Thoughts?

Creationists, is the belief in creationism a matter of salvation?

Is it a salvation issue? I would not necessarily go that far. However the danger as I see it is this. If we start deciding parts of the Bible are not true. The how long is it before we start rejecting more parts of it. How long before we decide this command is irrelevant. Or this part does not make sense. I am sure some atheist will say I am making a slippery slope argument and I would not disagree. But I see it as a slippery slope. Once we decide to reject one part how long before the rest follows?

Is my 54 litre fish tank overcrowded?

yes...2 sharks alone overcrowd your 15 gallon will need a 75 gallon tank to house the 2 sharks alone. Are they red tail sharks? bala sharks? columbian sharks? The bala sharks grow to 14-16".

Who is Zac Efron's agent and how do i contact his agent?

I'm looking for Zac Efron's agent because i want to work with him.I mean i want to work with zac efron or whatever......

I enjoying isting people with their problems here. Do mockers/haters deserve our respect? Wait there's more?

I reply to answers in the spirit they were asked..Serious deserves a real answer / Funny deserves a witty reply / Open-ended questions deserve a likewise answer / Inane statements which aren't really questions deserve whatever they get / Put-downs disguised as questions deserve something?

Why have a separate person do the singing voice for a character but not the speaking voice as well?

For example, in Disney's Pocahontas Judy Kuhn does the singing voice and Irene Bedard does the speaking voice. Why not just have Judy Kuhn do all of the voice work?

Friday, August 12, 2011

What do u think was the biggest blooper in the form of a comment made by a WWE commentator?

Last Monday Night on RAW, Jerry Lawler said 'This is what I have been waiting for all night, to see McMahon in HD." I don't know if he caught it but it did seem like he paused for a couple of seconds. lol! Btw, there is nothing wrong with being gay, but gay for Vince McMahon is pushing it. LoL! Maybe that wasn't the best example of a blooper exactly, but it helped me think of this question. What do u think was the biggest blooper in the form of a comment made by any WWE announcer, rather it JBL, Jerry Lawler, Michael Cole, Jim Ross, Vince McMahon, Randy Savage, Mr. Perfect, Booker-T (guest announcer), etc. Feel free to provide videos of examples if you have them. Always like looking at what it is you're talking about. Thanx =)

Will an engine from a 96 doge stratus 2.4l fit in a 97 plymouth neon RT that origonally had a 2.0l ?

i have both cars the neon is in great shape but i blew it up a few months ago and the stratus has a good engine so i was hoping it will fit i was told it would by a friend that it would with a slight mod to the one motor mount but they were unable to make it run

FF week 13 help please!!!?

I would definitely start Greg Olsen, and then probably James Jones since the 49ers defense has been terrible this year.

IND vs ENG :1st test Day 3 :Result u expect ?

India are notorious slow starters so I was not surprised. Congratulations to KP and Dravid who proved that the pitch had no demons in it. india were certainly hampered by Zaheer's injury.

Can washing your hair cause bronchitis?

So I washed my hair and my mom put rollers in it. I have a lot of hair soo it took her a while. maybe 20 minutes. The next morning I was sick and i went to the doctor. i had bronchitis. if your hair is wet for a while could you get sick?

How many of you here believe that our universities put too much emphasis on sports?

Athletics brings money into the university. This enables more people to get an education at the university. If it weren't for athletics, universities would rely on tuitions, grants and donations to survive. With athletics, it brings in another revenue stream, a highly lucrative one at that.

Boyfriend problems, just really confused.?

ok so my bf wanted to dump me cause i was getting mad at him over small things, which i wont doubt ive done that. and instead we talked things out a little and he decided to give me a second chance. and ever since then that day hasnt been brought up, it ws lst mon, but now i feel like things are weird between us. like one arm hugs and idk, lke tomorrow were gonna talk and he seemed fine bt a little annoyed about it. and im jst wondering how to tell if someones still interested, lke we havent had so its not lke he would be getting that out of the deal, so im kinda confused as to why i got a second chance, when he seems a little offish. and tomorrows gonna be the first time we actually really talk about what happened.

Perfect or imperfect?

For me I'm attracted to people with certain flaws - could be a small gap in their teeth, a long nose but nice eyes. Model type looks have never been my type. So do you go for perfect or imperfect?

If it true that "Secret societies" are responsible for organising world wars, what would they GAIN from this?

I recently read a book by a fiction author called Dean Koontz. The book was 'The Good Guy'. In it there was a 'secret society' who claimed that they control the world through inciting fear in people. When people are scared, they will do things they never would normally. Think about it, if you were held at gun point, you would do anything not to be held at gun point anymore. I'd recommend the book. You can probably buy it on Amazon really cheaply and it'll explain way better than I have!!

Are Multivitamin tabs. like B Complex, etc., required, especially for aged persons?

Someone told me that they would'nt be absorbed by the body and ped out in urine. Then why do physicians prescribe multivitamins for the aged suffering from hypertension, cardiovascualr conditions, diabetes and in menopause?

Internation between instruments?

at least, i think thats what my orchestra conductor said...but what did it actually mean? Was I out of tune or something?

Was does Brit Hume proselytizing to Tiger Woods on Fox News Sunday have to do with politics?

Obviously Mr Hume thinks that Christian men never cheat on their wives. He is deluded if the really believes that. Yes, Christians are expected to follow the ten commandments, but the truth is, not everyone does.

I have way to much gas?

Lately i have been farting alot more recently, is it the food i eat? is there something wrong with me??? what do i do?

What would be your NFL dream team?

QB joe montana/Jim Kelly RB: Barry Sanders/ chris johnson WR:Lynn Swann/John Taylor/Jerry Rice/Andre Johnson TE:Dallas Clark Defense: the 70's steelers steel curtain with jack hamm and the rest

What is Ontario law about working on sundays?

In Ontario, Canada, I believe there is a law that restricts employers to require workers from working on week ends for religious purposes. I'm not sure if this applies to ALL jobs and what exceptions are there, ex. part-time, company based, etc, but my sister who is a full time banquet manager has to work most sundays and it interferes with church. If someone knows about this or where to look, it would be much appreciated! Thanks.

If God is love, why does he permit wickedness?

He doesn't permit it.....he just allows it to go on in order to test us. To see if we are willing to seek him and try to find him at heart. Basically to see who is really purely righteous and wants to seek the kingdom of heaven, not with God's help and him doing all the work, but on your own.You have to truly want it and allowing temptations and sin run a muck on earth is a way to test you

Is there a student loan I can apply for with a co-signer that wont include my cosigners name on the check?

I am trying to apply for a student loan or a loan that I wont have to begin payments on until a much later date. I need a loan that when the check is sent to me It wont include my co-signers name on it so that it will be much easier to cash due to the fact that my co-signer lives in a totally different state.

How do I file a slander suit/retaining order?

I was seeing a few girls at the same time but didn't tell the other girls. One found out and now is sending me text messages that I m a pervert and calling my ex-girlfriends asking if I ever had weird behavior in front of her kids. Making me out to sound like a pedaphile. I only had in front of one girls 5 year but he was sleeping in the room He didn't know what was happening. Im going to file a slander suit against this fning bit*h and a retaining order. How do i do that?

Why do you believe 9/11 was carried out by the arib terrorists?

Odd things about Pentagon ramming it had a too neat look. Human Supremacist attitudes were responsible in that support for fundamentalist types who were also Human Supremacists enabled terrorism. Human Belief minerals, oil,gas, all for human profit are to blame. If it were not for Human Supremacist notions Russia could have been a friend terrorism would not have happened. Think everyone responsible in that same attituides kept after that and before. Also could be like Hitler pretext to invade Poland. Sloppy comparisons people will sneer. Wonder if United Nations approach to prevent Global Warming instead of invasion of Iraq would be intent instead makes more sense. A U.N. with strong backing by citizen members who would suceed if U.N. dithered. Feel Trade Center Attacks and Pentagon attack fit a public paranoia to neatly.Wonder if faked only for reason fits own ideas about possible second attack after Trade Center Bombing. Is possible a bombing and attacks by planes took place though cannot say for sure

Are you impressed with the Saints?

The Saints have scored 40+ points in 4/6 games. I think that game worried me a lot. I also think that the Dolphins should have one of the top defenses and a better record.They put up a fight. The Saints are the real deal and possible Super bowl contenders vs the Colts or Broncos.

How long before ovulation does cervical mucus appear?

We're TTC and I had creamy white CM for about a week now.I had an 18 week m/c in April and had two periods since then but they were different length in cycles. I think today I had EWCM but I'm not sure as I didn't have loads. We're bd'ing every night to make sure but I wanted to check when CM changes before ovulation occurs.

Physics question having to do with acceleration ?

An R75 maintenance robot on a spaceship is standing in front of the bathroom when it begins to move down the straight pageway. It accelerates at a constant 2.0 m/s2. How far did the robot travel in 5.0 s?

Anyone know of any books that are like The Da Vinci Code, and National Treasure?

Do you know of any books that have mysteries like those of The Da Vinci Code and the movie National Treasure? Like mysteries that have to do with ancient objects and mysteries?

Will Democrats listen to the words of a Black Lady?

i taught for 7 years in a vocational school in Portland, OR. a majority of my students were black. i told them that they would never be "free" until they were off welfare, foodstamps, medicaid, free lunch for the kids, public housing, & a myriad of other istance programs. as long as they received "help" they were enslaved to a state or federal government. many listened, did really well in school, acquired a great job & started building a life on their own. i've received letters over the years thanking ME for their freedom. thanking me for empowering them & showing them the escape route. there are those that just don't get it, and will always be held in slavery.

Could i be a swimsuit model? What do you think?

YOU SHOULD NOT LOSE ANY WEIGHT :D I am 5'3 and weigh 130 pounds.... I dont think it would be healthy for you to lose more than a few pounds. Yes I think you are tall enough.

I need a Chi Chi's Sangria recipe?

My mom loved going to Chi Chi's; until they went out of business. She is constantly raving about their sangria. To this day, she is in an ongoing search for a sangria just like that. Does anyone have the recipe for Chi Chi's sangria? Or possibly know of a brand that tastes similar to Chi Chi's?

I'm a Leo female and I absolutely cannot stand Cancers. Why? How can I deal with them in the work field?

I can't stand Cancer either. It's a bugger of a disease, and has taken some people very close to me. So I hear where you're coming from.

Pressurised central heating?

It sounds like you have a leek somewhere in the system, it should be a sealed system so the pressure would remain constant, also you shouldnt be losing any water, i would get the guy in who fitted it to have a look, definitely sounds like a leek to me

Do any Shias actually, hang pictures of famous Shia leaders on their walls? ?

Yes, I have seen this done. I visited a Shia friend who had several pictures of Ali upon their walls.

I need to rephrase this phrase. Could you help please?

you could say "and aids our understanding" or "and expands upon our knowledge of"

Debate questions? Topic is minorities in prison?

I am the moderator (asking questions) for a debate tomorrow. The topic is if there's a certain reason minorities/blacks have been raising up prison rates.

How do I and intern or voluntry work at a modelling agency?

I would like to work at a modelling agency as a model booker but I no if I just send my resume of I probably wont get a call back so I want to do voluntary work or and intern.But Im not sure how to approach the agency.What should I say if they ask me if its for school when its not.Should I call or approach face to face .How long should I do voluntary for.

Home Remedies For...?!?

I am having trouble breathing, and i want to know some home remedies to do to help my breathing? please help? ( I've been sick for 8 days). I think i have bronchitis.

Would someone comment on my Story Please?

This story is amazing.It has good vocabulary. And depending on if you want Brainiacs reading I agree LAY OF THE THESAURUS!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Would this areo jacket be considered a winter jacket?

Well you really can't be sure untill you try it on, so i suggest doing that. But I guess it looks prety warm. I wouldn't wear it in the snow or anything though

I am taking my granddaughter abroad for a weeks holiday. Do I need written parental consent?

Yes you do. You need their permission to cross state lines and written permission to get the child emergency health care should anything happen. And that's just state lines. Abroad means overseas, so you definitely need written permission from both parents. Unless of course she is of legal age.

RB issues. Where to go?

go with Watson and Peterson. lovey smith he is going to change some thins in the bears offense this week. i ume this means benching Cedric Benson and starting Peterson. Watson because gore still may not play on Sunday. keep an eye on him and if Gore does play start him over Watson

Any sweet sixteen ideas?

A 60's theme would be awesome...except for hippies. How about a Western theme, that would be fun, you can eat beans, corn meal, nevermind that sounds terrible. How about a science fiction theme, yeah let's stick with that.

Does the general public like Sotomayor?

What the general public thinks is irrelevant. The Elite of the democrat party have an agenda and they do not care what the 'commoners' think.

Any good emo/pop/rock bands out there?

Have you heard of Tokio Hotel? They're awesome. If you want to listen to one of their songs listen to ready set go or monsoon, they both rock!!! I'm sure you've heard of them b4 though.

Baby names advice please!!?

I like the names Sydney, Chelsea, Kimbra, Kalee, Hayley, Maddie and Leah for a girl. For a boy I like Alex, Brandon, Matt, Cody, Jack, Ray and Jason.

What is zeta phi beta secret pword?

My sister is a zeta but she will not tell me. I just want to know the word to rub it in her face. Somebody please tell me because she is becoming really annoying with it.

If my motorcycle is repossessed how bad does it affect my co-signers credit?

I've been out of a job nearly a month now. Everywhere i call or apply to states they're not hiring right now or they're "Taking applications" but i never get a call or more info when i call them back. My bills due in only 6 days, and i have 15 days after that before they pile on late fee's. I don't care about my credit if it is repo'd but i do care about my co-signers credit

Why do you think so many guys are exploring their feminine side? (This is more for straight acting guys)?

It seems like so many young, straight, masculine acting guys are testing the waters about being gay or biual. I have noticed this with guys that workout at the gym, ride sportbikes together, and play sports on teams together. It seems to be guys that stay fit and wear the "cool" styles from Abercrombie and Fitch or American Eagle. The standard uniform: Polo or t-shirt and cargo shorts or sports clothing from Adidas, Nike, or Puma. Do you think I am right about this? Is it Abercrombie and American Eagle or sports clothing making guys more y? It seems like more guys are turning toward guys than they ever have in the past? Why is this? Some guys in high schools are wearing girls/womens jeans and underwear. What is it about guys nowadays that make them so attractive to other guys? Let me know.

My finch has laid her first eggs will they be fertile?

shes always sitting on them and does the male they come out to feed and go straight back to the nest will they be fertile?and do i need to take out the male?

How to deal with my anger or get her off my back?

so there's this girl, hu i kno, hu goes out wid a boy and as soon as the boy leaves or doesnt like her she chooses someone else... so when i was going out wid someone else, she liked me but my gf said NO!! lol xD!! anyway so i told her to stay off this new boy aka object of her affection (hu likes her btw) and i kno it wasnt my business but ive seen the other boys hu she left and they were really sad cuz she pretended to cry for them but chose another boy the next day... anyway so i told her that in an email WHICH SHE THEN PRINTED OFF AND SHOWED TO ALL HER GIRLFRIENDS!!! so anyway now all my friends hu were girls r asking what the hell my prob. is and are turning against me!! so now im really angry and feel like snapping their necks!! how do i deal wid this anger problem and get her friends to stop asking me question and nagging me?? tx will appreciate it

Attention all Superman fans, what do you think about Smallville?

Superman's yuth has been more or less, glossed over, so it opens the door to write your own mythology. I always question tinkering witht he hythology to suit yur own needs

Verify Stokes' Thm for the vector field v(x,y,z)=xi+zj-yk and the oriented surface S E R^3?

S is the half of the sphere of radius with y>0. The surface is oriented so that the y component of its normal is negative. I was able to get 0 for the curl dotted with the normal dS portion of the theorem. I am confused about how to verify the other side of the theorem.

I am a little worried now that a eruption occurred today?

Look at it this way, how many time do you even hear about a eruption per year? And of all days it falls upon may 21st?

My father in law has a whiskey problem and don't know what to do with him.?

you cant make a person change unless they are ready to the only thing you can do is be accepting its hard I know but Im going through a slightly similar situation

Hard geometry problem with convex hexagon?

Let ABCDEF be a convex hexagon, such that FA = AB, BC = CD, DE = EF, and

Tv series most like veronica mars?

I LOVED VERONICA MARS!! and recently i havent been able to find a series like it so is there a series that is very alike to it?? i lovee the TEEN DRAMA with logan and i also like how she also solves mysteries haha its the best show, anything like it?? preferably netflix instant but not netflix instant is fine too IM DESPERATEE

Universities in boston?? help?

If you want premed Tufts and Holy Cross have the best premed programs of the Boston area colleges. Over 10% of HC alumni are doctors.

Why did'nt Bush go up and punch the shoe thrower on the nose?

because George W Bush is a wimp AND don't forget the majority of people in the world think George W Bush deserved what he got

Malaysian movies suck?

Well lots of movies suck now days big time like in the US they do the same stupid movies 6 and 7 times; like rocky and spiderman and many more/I think they are trying to save money so they do the same crap and use the same gimmicks from 1'2'3'4'5'6'and 7 gggrrrr.Some new directors who are not really in it to be in rich and only in it for tyhe enjoyment of themselve and others ' and only want to make great movies' are the ones that rock./Have you seen the SAW movies 1and 2 ? They are great and scary and the special affects are awesome.Texas chainsaw macre is good to' as is Motel hell.The movies you say suck in Malaysia probable don't have the millions these guys here in hollyweird does .The malaysian music is really beautiful as is the food' and like you' the people are great' .With your great writing you really could be the next writer of movies as your imagination is so off the hook.If i could only write half as good as you do.When you get to hollywood making movies i will be your istant ok lol

Why are ignorant bigots under the impression that ALL gay men/women are hard-wired to behave the same way?

I live in Machusetts and gay marriage is legal here and nobody cares, like you know in some places they're so hateful to gay people, but seriously, its nobodys business how they live their life and we shouldn't restrict them from being happy by not allowing them to marry. I 100% agree that we're all different and people shouldnt go around judging others.


What volume of O2 (in L), measured at 29�C and 0.927 atm, is needed for the complete combustion of 21.3 grams of propane, C3H8?

Do you think history will treat President Bush (GW), and PM Tony Blair well in terms of the Iraq War (2003)?

With all the revelations everyday of M Graves, rooms, torture rooms and the ging of Iraqis, Kurds and Iranians, Saddam killed millions, do you think that history will treat them favorably under these cirstances. And most will appreciate that this wasnt a simple war but a war that had to fought for the sake of humanity and the idea that we must not repeat our mistake of going in too late during ww2 where we could have saved millions from the death camps. Bush and Blair understood this and new action needed to be taken for the greater good

Does anyone remember the name of this movie?

Hi, this has been bugging me all night. I saw something that reminded me of a movie that I saw when I was very little, and can't remember the name of it no matter how I search for it. It involved a young boy and an alien spaceship that could fly at any speed, and I believe he used it to travel through time? At the end his friends used fireworks to guide him back to his house. Sorry its a little vague, but I was really young when I saw it. Thanks for any help-

Deep question......?

Well, the best answer for me on this one is the Skeptic Theory. Since there's always the possibility that we could really not be here. We have to doubt our memories and our thoughts because they may not be real. The same goes with reality. We have to doubt that because we can't prove that either. But what does the Skeptic Philosophy teach us? That it is hopeless to continue to doubt what we see. Technically you can't prove reality but that follows the Skeptic Theory that it's pointless to doubt.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Where is a good place to learn to snowboard near RI?

I have never gone snowboarding but I want to learn. Where are the best mountains, near RI, to learn to snowboard and what is the best time to go?

Is it a step to prevent any chances of India vs SL quarter final to be played in Bangladesh?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

SO! what should i wear to warped tour this year!? :D?

a lot of people wear bathin' suit under whatever they're wearing because it's always really hot & stuff :D it's an all day concert, i'm stoked :D any suggestions?! ♥ xx

The HELL IN A CELL Match DVD!!!! (WQ inside)?

deffinitly mankind vs undertaker will be on the dvd and there will be a lot of undertaker hiac matches

My kids love the Cheetah Girls and we are going to Orlando. Is there anything related to them in the area?

Anything at Disney or any other attraction where they may see them or anything related to them the week of Spring Break March 16-23. Thanks!

Can not delete this 2 files .?

could be a file built into a nother program? virus? could be a file that is being in use? try doin shift+delete instead of putting it in the recycle bin.

Why did Americans re-elect Bush in 2004? (After Iraq)?

Well considering that war was with a country that could of had nuclear weapons but it was almost obvious it didn't. Also during war time you don't want a new president, who knows how much more he could of spent. Just elected a new guy doesn't mean he will change much spending wise. Kerry had a great idea but he had no real way of doing that. Saying to stop the war is just able and agreeable but how exactly would he do that? You look like your confused because in the additional details you said after 911 and Fahrenheit 911,which btw was a incredibly bias movie and showed nothing of the other side, and Everything. What is the last part mean. Everything?

I know that I asked this question alot already, but I got so many funny responses that I will ask it again .?

The one from my church program that's handed out each week it read----I upped my pledge so up yours!!

My video card has software problems?

I have a geforce2 mx400 i formatted my hard drive and installed vista ultimate and now i can't find any driver downloads for geforce2 mx400 the downloads are only for below Xp64-bit and i can't use direct3d, 3dmark and those other things. I can only use opengl which sucks because it lagging when i full screen (I'm not used to windowed games). I also been thinking of buying a new video card in the Philippines because i live in the Philippines, Pampanga, Angeles city if you know any place that sells video cards in angeles tell and it's supposed to be agp slot you know the slot for geforce2 mx400. That would really help. TY.

Northern Hemisphere?

If by depressions, you mean low pressure systems (a depression is one type), then in the NH winds blow clockwise around anticyclones, and counter-clockwise (anti-CW) around depressions.

Does anyone know of comfy children's shoes that avoid the look of a "" ?

My daughter came home from school the other day in tears, claiming her fellow peers called her " cindy" I understand kids can be cruel and footwear is very important, what shoes/sandals would you suggest so that we can avoid the so called ""? Please keep in mind her dress code at school prohibits flips flops or thong toed shoes.

People from Maryland!!!?

My boyfriend and I are going down to Laurel Maryland to look at a college he is interested it...Capitol College. We are looking at some things to do down there. We are staying one night at a hotel but we will have that day and the next to do something. I know it's near Washington DC but I was looking for some other ideas also. Oh, and I am expecting so no bars and things like that. Thanks!!!

Will Bush give a blanket pardon to all the Leftists in the US?

since when did disagreeing become something needing a presidential pardon? Do you prefer dictatorship?

The name Gaelic name Innis / Inis / Ennis?

I don't really consider BNW to be a reliable site. Have you checked Behindthename? I tihnk it's definitely and solidly MALE. I don't see anything even remotely feminine about it.

Does anyone know who makes this necklace?

maybe you can looking for the similar necklace at here a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a ,reliable online stores with a wide range of designer products.

A neurologist has been studying the relationship of stroke to elevated blood pressure in elderly patients and?

A neurologist has been studying the relationship of stroke to elevated blood pressure in elderly patients and has obtained the following statistical information from previous investigations and through a review of the literature on cerebral vascular accidents. For person over age 70, 10 percent will have a stroke within the next 5 years; of all patients aged 70+ who had a stroke, 50 percent demonstrate elevated blood pressure; and for persons aged 70+ without strokes, 25 percent have elevated blood pressure. A patient aged 70+ in the neurologists practice has elevated blood pressure. What is the probability this patient will have a stroke within the next 5 years?

I think this guy likes me but im not sure pleazz help!?

so ive liked this guy since about october but it was kinda like on and off. i had gym and health w/ him and for awhile he sat in front of me and always lke turned around and teased me and stuff and he would always find someway to get my attention. he also randomly imd me one day and my friend told me he asked her for my screenname. anyway, lately hes been really quiet around me instead of lke making fun of me like he used to and he also stares at me sometimes, but idk if hes just doin that or if he likes me. also 2day b4 the last bell rang at school, im talkin 2 my friend and i see at the corner of my eye him walkin over but when he got there he stood across from me but was ignoring me (lke he wasnt sayin anything to me) but i saw him lookin at me when he was walkin over. sometimes he acts like he likes me and sometimes he doesnt. i no this is just lke another teenage girl problem but can u pleaz give me ur opinion. thnks!!

I want to be able to watch pokemon episodes on the internet, and I found as a good (cont'd)?

site. However, I need to be able to get them on my iPod, too, and I can't find a site that works. As far as I can tell, YouTube only has the very first episode. Does anyone know of a site that you can view episodes in a mobile format?

Does This Sound Like He Likes Me ? Picture also included.?

i give you 7 out of ten and go for it ask him out. me i am 33 and have no problems talking with the opposite

What would be some synonyms for previously?

I'm listing an item on Ebay and and I want to say something besides the usual "previously owned". What other word could take previously's place? Thanks

Vba sub using scores, sorting, input boxes?

scores are in columns B through E. Students are listed in A. Write a vba sub that (a) uses an input box to ask for an exam from 1 to #, (b) uses an input box to ask if they want to sort the scores in ascending or descending order and (c) then sorts data requested and the order requested. Make sure headings in row 3 are not sorted. write sub to allow for more or fewer exams and/or more or fewer students.

I slapped a girls , i want to be her friend now but shes still mad, i think?

Last year I slapped the most popular girl in the entire school's *** cuz I was the new kid, I wanted to stand out, besides she had the fattest ***, it was hard to resist even though I don't slap women's s that often (only twice in my life so far), I'm in eighth grade now but I want to be her friend I'm sry about what I did but I think she's still mad. Occasionally during last year she would smile and say "hey your that guy that slapped my ***", I don't know if that means anything though. But I tried sayin hi when she was washin my lunch table, she was walkin away and I said hi, but I think she might have not answered on purpose, cause I think she looked at me but looked away on purpose. Plz help me!!! I'm so confused, I still don't know how to talk to a girl I like that I don't know without a friend that knows her. I'm sooooo lost here. SOMEONE WITH EXPIERIENCE WITH THE LADIES PLZ! Ps I'm a black eighth grader, the girl is black and a little stuck up but very nice when she wants to be.

Sentence Rearrangement Help.?

Actually, it's not that bad. For a bit more clarity, I'd write it like this: "My ideas to think 'outside the box' and *to* 'color outside the lines' are reinforced."


Okay I have to come up with a one page summary on a primitive society. And being as dumb as I usually am, I procrastinated ooh what a surprise. Well we were given 12 objects and told to sketch them, study them, take notes on each object and try to figure out what society it was and then write a one page summary. I was given a boomerang, a stick with a charred tip ( for stoking a fire), a strip of dark leather, a sea shell, and metal ring with designs, two purple irregular shaped smooth beads, a piece of paper with burnt edges and strange lettering on it, a colored rooster feather, acorns, a rock with shell fossils, a slate with animal drawings (something short and fat), and a smallish skull. If you could give me any hints to what this civilization might be that would be fantastic!

How much does freshman year in high school affect college?

Your freshman year is counted, but barely. In fact, colleges like to see a progression, so if you did bad freshman year then improved, it works in your favor.

Would you trade your bag of skittles for a singing rabbit? If not your bag of skittles then what?

i will do anything for a singing rabbit....if not my skittles than just take my soul for that thing....

What is YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 -x?

Is it a type of metal or and alloy? I know its a high temperature superconductor, but I don't know if it's a type of copper or any other metal.

Can shingles reappear on the opposite side of the body from the original outbreak?

I had shingles on the left side of my body. Can it reappear on the right side or will the virus only affect the one side??

"Ode to my box" Please read my ode, what do you guys think?

This is a little obsessive... but different. I'm not sure that you completely understand what this is saying about you, until you mean it solely in a comedic context.

What is the zip code for Bangkok, Thailand?

There are over 3,000 post offices in Thailand and over 30,000 post boxes. Opening times for most post offices are from 08:30-16:30. Thailand Post offers a full range of services from all postal services to money transfers, payment of bills and a full range of business services. Here is a site of Thailand you can find Post Codes in Bangkok

What do you consider good music?

clic rock,late 60s,most 70s, hair metal & new wave,from the 80s, some early grunge like alice in chains, sound garden for example. but not to much of todays E.M.O garbage or any rap or hip hop...!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What kind of good fantasy books are out there?

Fablehaven by Brandon Mull (there are 5 books in it) It's my favorite series, theres not too much romance but there is a little, especially in and after book 3

Melissa jimenez?

well if you know about her and her voice and who she is..i was just wondering...where is she mexico, puerto rico. dominican republic, colombia. etc. etc. etc.

Potium on orange juice label?

I have low potium and always have orange juice in the fridge. Recently I went to CVS and bought a ton of OJ and upon getting home noticed that potium was not listed on the nutrition facts. The OJ tasted as though it had "less bite" and I know potium has a certain tang to it. It was my understanding that all OJ had potium. Have I been stuck with a 2 week supply of low grade OJ?

German paragraph, need corrections to it please...?

I understand it just fine -- Even if there are any grammatical errors, which, in your case, there really aren't -- They will be able to understand it. :) Have fun posting your video and good luck!

Menopause or pregnant?

So my mom is 40. she hasn't had her period in over a month. she took a pregnancy test and it came out positive, actually she took 2 tests, both positive. but my dad said it could be menopause cause it also stops ur period and might make the pregnancy test positive. so which one is it.

I don't know what to do now???Help me?

apply for a job through temp agency. If the company you work for like you work, they would hire you from there. That's what I did.

Do these specs look good from cyberpower?

thats a good pc for $1000 (only the ram is sub par get the slightly more xpensive verison wit 4gb ram) but if you want to spend a ffew hundred more and have the time build your own pc with a core i7 920 its alot better.

Guys, what do want a girls body to look like?

I was just curious, I'm married, & I didn't want to ask my husband, just because I'm very insecure about my body. I'm 5ft 4in and weigh 135. I have a more athletic build, but I'm totally self conscious, and HATE my body. I know big perky , and slim, but what? what if, the girl is, shorter and not "perfect" like all the girls we see on tv and magazines, what is running through his head when looking at the "imperfect" girl? I don't mean a guy doesn't care about personality, I'm just asking about looks, and what hes attracted too. "HE" as in guys in general.

Are these hot flashes or what?

Kayla - Tell your parents what is going on you may have diabetes or a thyroid condition that should be checked out right away - your'e only 11 and should be talking with your parents or the school nurse. Good luck sweetie.

Faker Reality show: Kardashians or The Spin Crowd?

Spin Crowd is so overacted though at least the situations are "real" (as in what they do for celebrities not their personal drama), but Kardashian's is just straight up FAKE!! The situations are obviously scripted by producers and their told how to act and what to do. I mean that episode with the personal trainer and the mom, jeez! Any episodes Kris Jenner and her husband are main characters are EXTREMELY fake. Even the early episodes like the one where they "meet" Rob's gf Adrienne, they act like they hadn't already met her and didn't know she was a Cheetah Girl! Ridiculous!

Is it safe to reuse the same plastic water bottle over and over and over again?

I rinse mine out with vinegar and water to kill germs having been doing it for years reusing the same water bottle...never gotten sick.. sometimes you wonder whether this just a media scam...

I'm 13and been doing ballet for a few months and want to know when i can do pointe?

In my teen ballet cl we just learned a move that my teacher said people usually learn at 5 years if experience and me and another girl in my cl wnat to know when we can do pointe but don't want to ask my teacher

What do you think is a TRUE gamer?

People always talk about how Nintendo's games are nonviolent and are suited for children. They also say that violent games are '''', however, violent games reinforce and glamourize all the poisons of society. If a game is nonviolent, then everyone can play it and have fun, but does this make it ''casual''? I don't think so. In my opinion, a gamer is one that is dedicated enough to get all 240 stars on Super Mario Galaxy, a so called ''baby'' game. Have you tried getting those last stars? If you are a ''casual gamer'', does it even matter? As long as you're having fun, I don't think people should care. Infact, I don't even think people should brag about being '''', because it means that you devote too much of you're time to video games, which can contribute to rheumatoid arthritis. Either way, can't people just be happy that video gaming is becoming more popular on a whole? I think I answered my own question, but what do you think?

Can anything be done to fix a sump pump float switch that sticks?

Is there anything that can be done to fix it, or should it just be replaced. Submersible pump w/ float in the crock. Thanks

Who should I start at QB this week?

No real standouts there...they're all pretty much just caretaker backs or QBs in a weak aerial offense, so just play the matchups. Detroit is a joke, whereas all the others are decent or good vs the p, except maybe NO, but between Frerotte and Orton I'd go with Orton.

Do I look like I'm trying to show off when I lay out?

Most days I lay out on my foldout pool chair in my front yard in shorts and a tank. Should I continue doing this or do people who drive by think I'm a tart?

Why the ignorance about me being a Republican from Dems/libs?

I live in a fairly liberal city..well a VERY liberal city. 65%-85% of the city is a Democrat, depending on what section your in. When ever I tell someone I'm a Republican, they automatically ume I'm a misognynst, anti-choice, phobic, racist person. My neighbor is a huge Obama supporter and lib and when she said she was going to a rally in favor of comprehensive education I asked her where it was because I would love to tag along. She looked at me with the BIGGEST WTF face I have ever gotten. So I said "you know, instead of uming I was some right wing extremist and blowing me off 99% of the time, we could have become quite good friends over some issues we agree on." My social views are mixed with conservative and liberal viewpoints - my liberal ones are I'm pro-choice (but do support the partial-birth abortion ban), education and birth control access, and support for gay marriage & adoption. I'm conservative in more social areas (gun rights, affirmative action, immigration, etc.) but I hate that stereotype. I consider myself a fiscally conservative, socially moderate, foreign policy hawk Republican, aka the true blue East Coast Republican.

Romance troubles?

hi red ur prob, well in my opinion u shud forget about that girl, buddy there are many people around you, who can make u laugh and happy, she is not the only one, i m not asking you to be single, but look for a girl of ur age, there will be a lots of diffrence in ur and her thinking and that can create a lot of problem, its not about liking each other, its about to live together, make ur self understand...

Help! I need fashion advice! should i wear this?

I love the cardigan but I think the top AND the cardigan would a bit too much. I think that you should wear a really cute brown tank top with ruffles with the cardigan and that would look sooo cute! Hope I could help and congrats on being a senior!

A poem and a poet seeking feedback?

In darkness where lovers meet each other, where the feelings lead them. Using the word darkness is meaning full. Day comes the the night where we are kids then we are adults. It is powerful poem where you feelings talk. I like it.

Should i give up on trying to be happy and just search for enlightenment?

Get out of Manhatten. Go to a smaller town, try to really excel in whatever your job is and find a church that is very active in the community. Do things to help people that will lift your spirits. I know people who have messed themselves up with anti-depressants so when I feel that way I change a part of my life.>

William Blake - To The Evening Star; help?

To focus on the physical star that Blake is speaking to is to miss the point of the prayer-like nature of the poem. Blake is asking for this one certainty he knows of light to shine through the night and cradle his good qualities. There is a hint of a pover-like theme at this poems heart.

Why do people feel so comfortable to openly attack Christianity, where they seem afraid to attack Islam?

Islam is dumb too. All the arguments regarding the Old Testament remain the same, especially those regarding creationism. The idea that a man bodily rose to Heaven on a flying horse is about the stupidest thing I've ever heard, as is the ertion that Alexander the Great had anything to do with the Islamic religion.

Do you believe in Santa Claus?

Of course I still believe in Santa Claus! I have to because I have a 4 year old grand daughter. I have believed in Santa for along time. Do you give any one a Christmas gift? Then you are Santa Claus.

Monday, August 8, 2011

True or false questions biology?

while paired together during the second division of meiosis, two chromosomes may exchange segments of DNA

Does Anybody Know?

My mum suffers with Divitcultis, however we have searched high and low for a diet sheet for this condition with no sucess. I had ordered a book online but had nearly waited a year to get it so i cancelled it. We have asked doctors and nurses and nobody can seem to help her out with a straightforward diet sheet can anybody help please?

Silly questions???Me and my thoughts//.................?

1_what i'm wearing right now 2_! 3_i don't know 4_awake 5_sure 6_just like this 7_i don't know 8_when i have the opportunity 9_i don't have friends 10_no

Can someone please help me with this problem?

Lynch will do just fine. They have been saying he will be a bigger part of the ping game this season.


Ok no wI know the Ps3 isn't region locked, but i wanted to know if i can play japenese blueray's on my American PS3? For example Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete [First Print w/ Final Fantasy XIII Trial Demo Version] (japan version) would that work on my american PS3?

Have you heard about the impending marriage of Hugh Hefner?

Why in the world would a 83 year-old want to date---let alone marry---a 23 year-old? This man is 64 years her senior. When Hef was born, Coolidge was in office. When she was born, it was Reagan. Reagan was 14 years older than Hef. What's with this kid's mother?

Why do Europeans spend time and money sneaking into the US when they can just come in legally with a pport?

Most of the countries listed, though many are EU members, are not included in the US visa waiver program and must obtain a visa in advance. Citizens fron countries that do qualify may have past criminal or visa violations that make them ineligible for visa-free entry, or they may be on a no-fly list.

Pisces..when can i see it, NH or SH and what months? Also Degrees?

Can the Pisces constellation be seen from the Northern or southern hemisphere? What months can it best be seen? i have Northern Hemisphere and November to December but im not sure. I have no clue what the degrees are. Ive researched and everything seems wrong please help! :L

Similes in novels a big no-no?

They are only effective when used very, very sparingly. A story filled with them would probably be bersome to read...

How do you feel about Schopenhauer?

His attitude is indicative of the general ist attitude society had toward women at the time. There's no truth or real relevancy to his ideas today. They are moot.

What is the true meaning of Julius Caesar vs. Julius Caesar?

I have heard this many times, and ponder many ideas but what really is the true meaning of this saying?

What sport should i take up?

I'm a 17 year old from australia, athletically built, roughly 6 foot. i've played cricket, afl football and tennis. i was wondering what sport you guys think i should take up. Just to have a change, i'm interested in participating in nearly anything. any suggestions?

Lesean McCoy or Ricky Williams?

Which RB should be my #2 this week? McCoy is up against a stingy Packers Run D. Also, I'm in a non-ppr league. Thanks!

Is every one thanking God for Glen Beck?

Glenn Beck is tool of Fox News the Comedy Hour of far right. Has Glenn cried today? According to far right grown men don't cry it sign of weakness.

Gta eflc plz help!!!?

i ve recently bought gta 4 eflc.i m trying to play it on my is installd correctly but it is not running bcoz of my intel graphics card 4500 there any way to run this game with the this intel graphics card..plz help..note that all othrs requirements are fulfilld..i will b thankfull..plz do hlp!!!

Do you believe the rapture will happen within 5 years?

Russia, Turkey and Syria (Gog and Magog) are now as one which was prophesied in the bible through Revelation who will rage war against Israel. The US Government is preparing to shutdown now the American dollar is at an all time low which will bring in a one world currency led by the One World Government who will be led by Satan and eventually the chip (666) also prophesied in Revelation.

Sk8rs: When i try to ollie in place, i can't seem to get the entire board off the ground What am i doing wrong

it might be ur board but mostly u should pop the board as hard as u can, then swipe ur foot as u jump at the same time, suck up ur knees, and then then bend ur knees wen u come back down to observe the impact

Wiccan holidays in Southern Hemisphere?

If the Wiccan Sabbaths correspond with the death and rebirth of the Horned God from the Goddess, how does that work with the Southern hemisphere? Do they celebrate his birth when the Northern hemisphere celebrates his death?

A good romance novel to read?

Check out Philippa Gregory - she's most known for The Other Boleyn Girl but she has tons of other historical fiction novels that almost always have a romantic plot mixed in. I find most of her books really well-written and enough going on to keep it exciting.

Socom 4 or infamous 2 or brink?

I can only pre order 2, I'm leaning towards socom and brink because I'm a big multiplayer Gamer , which 2 should I get?

Help me plz?????

Use BEETHOVEN! The more brillant of the three. Anyway I suggest a search engine, but I know some too. Use both. Draw it when he was born and he was baptised. Then he went to Vienna to study with Haydn when he was a young man. Then he went deaf when he ws about 30. Then he wrote the infamous 5th symphony in 1808 it was performed at an estatic event. Then he died in 1827.

What should I do... stressed out!?

seek help for your mum for all sake, ring the doctor up, concern your mum first however, go and see a doctor yourself they will sen you in the right direction to recovery, hope that helps, best of luck

Men - Can you please help me understand on game playing/approach/avoid?

He sounds like a waste of time....a flake. If he's this much of a coward, think what problems you'll have meeting him (if you ever do). You may avoid, the point where he chases you and you both agree to meet up.....but once you agree, he may get cold feet again. It's your choice if you want this kind of headache in your life or not.

How do I get my youngest son to not follow oldest son’s footsteps?

well i have 3 older sibling and my older brother is a bad influence to me, so i dont really wnat to be like him because i hang out with my other 2 sibling and they show me what is right from wrong make him hang out with the older kids that are good for him =)

Harry Potter fans: Which actors would you have preferred for the movies?

I like them the way they are. Hugh Grant is maybe* the exception, and Ian McKellen, but I don't think it makes too much of a difference. Naomi Watts is too smart and warm-looking to play Narcissa. Daniel Radcliffe kind of *is* Harry Potter...maybe Aiken could have pulled it off when he was younger, but no way can I picture him starring in the movies now... at all. It's like Radcliffe grew up looking the way Harry *would* look haha. Tilda Swinton is a bit too severe-looking (not necessarily mean-looking) to play Sybill, who I always pictured as having that kind of goofy quality ... which Thompson so has lol. Rickman *is* Snape as well... I'm not too familiar with the other actors.

Where can i buy uncommon Christmas ornaments?

I'm looking for uncommon Christmas ornaments to decorate our Christmas tree this season. Can somebody gives me links where i can buy them.